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Product Name:Home & Office [CPO]
Product Code:MD-NIFcu (+LAN-1236 +DFA)
Price:RM 128.00

Product description:

This is the NIF (Noise-interference Filtered) version of SD-4C, for users who need a PLC-friendly outlet. 

10A (Max)

Package includes:
1x CLLI with NIF Power-outlet & 2-feedthrough module.

Suitable for:
Powerline setup while preventing Noise-generating Equipment (NGE) from poluting the powerline, in order to enhance PLA-performance.

*The total CPO (clean-power outlet) limit is 10A.
*A power-strip may be added to the CPO, provided the total current does not exceed 10A.


MD-NIFcu (+LAN-1236 +DFA)-Home & Office [CPO]
Price: RM 128.00
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